Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Second Life Virtual Worlds

I had seen the video on ABC at the time, and a second viewing probably hasn't changed my inpressions that much. Fantasy and imagination have always been part of the human experience. In the online age its probabaly understandable that the vicarious appeal of "another life" - that is safely insulated from the real one - would hold fascination for some.
After looking at Kathryn Greenhill's slides, I managed to find a later video - Murdoch University Libary Second Life. This was interesting and thought provoking.

I feel that for the Library to explore this medium it would need expert gaming skills and IT software backup to successfully produce its programmes. Maybe it's unlikley that complex library and database searching skills could adequately be presented on virtual world? Perhaps there's a place here however for a quick overview of the libary's services, or a sampling of library resources and options to a particular clientele level?

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